Saturday, July 14, 2007

Me, me, me, mahcelo and Lilica (up-down)

Lilica n me twice, me, me, me. (up-down)

Um salto no abismo

O medo do desconhecido mata em nós o desejo à liberdade.
A não-liberdade mata em nós a capacidade de sentir felicidade.
A não-felicidade faz com que a vida não valha a pena.
É preciso esquecer o medo e lançar-se no abismo, às vezes,
Mesmo sem saber se há redes de proteção à nossa espera.
Muitos desses abismos nos fazem reconhecer em nós mesmos
Asas que só a nossa coragem é capaz de abrir
para que aprendamos
a voar.

Elena Matias
(july 14, 2007 - 2:35pm)

Monday, July 09, 2007

Contemplando estrelas

...sobre uma antiga paixão, coisa de criancice, que alimentei, nem sei por quê.
Sabe quando a gente se apaixona por um artista e entende que ele está a kilômetros-fama de distância do nosso insignificante anonimato? Aí de repente a gente recebe desse artista um convite pra subir ao palco, dançar com ele, e ele nos beija na boca...
É a glória!
Daí eu fiquei olhando estrelas e achava que jamais as tocaria....
Mas eis que do nada alguém que é dono das estrelas trouxe uma delas e me deu de presente.
Quando perguntei por quê, ele fugiu de mim, sem resposta.
E disse: "Vou dormir. É tarde, vou trabalhar muito cedo amanhã. Bye."
Essa estrela não é nada.. Nunca vai ser nada. É como você sonhar com os diamantes de uma coleção, alguém lhe dá a menor das pedras, você fica deslumbrado... Mas jamais terá a coleção inteira, sabe?
Tenho consciência disso.
Mesmo assim aquela estrelinha miúda brilha tanto!
Parece que a luz do mundo todo está dentro dela! Que é capaz de iluminar a vida por longos anos...
A gente morre contemplando a luz e nem percebe que morreu!

EmmyLibra, july 10, 2007 - 2:01am

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Kiss-illusion (review)

I kiss your mouth every day in a cold picture of you as a lie, a lie-kiss that I want to kiss to feel lonely more and more. Cause you're just a dream.

I kiss your mouth every night in my dreams, in my sweetest dreams, as a truth, a truth-kiss I want to kiss to stay alive day after day. Cause you're my own wish of life.

I kiss your mouth every moment in my thoughts, in my foolish thoughts as a foolish-kiss I want to kiss to make believe i will survive this missing, this empty mouth, this hungry...

Maybe someday I will look behind and notice that you were here all the time, in a fantasy, in my deepest despair, in a kind of love I never knew. Inside of me... all the time.

Maybe i will find what love is, after all.  That moment I’ll way see how stupid I’ve been, how weak, how silly I’ve been for having no courage to tell you that you are my sweetest dream, my best thought, my most real fantasy, my whole life. Life that I spent for fear – stupid fear! Iwas afraid of opening my heart and afraid of the answers that I could hear from you.

Maybe I will find that I wasn't living but waiting for life all the time. Waiting for you to come from my desires, to make my existence finally come true.

Will it be late? Yes, maybe. Maybe it's already late for me to close my eyes and dream about this precious kiss of you. About this precious heart of you. About you...

I wanna kiss the mouth of an angel!

Monday, July 02, 2007


It's midnight, i am sitting here, looking at u, cold eyes, frozen in time.  And a smile in which i cannot recognize myself.  I see your mouth, your skin, but i cannot touch or kiss them in this silent screen...  Life is not kind to me!

Sunday, July 01, 2007


Wishing u were here with me...

EmmyLibra, july 1st, 2007 - 8:33pm

Lilica n me

                      >>>>>>> Lilica n me <<<<<<<
EmmyLibra, july 1st, 2007


I kiss your mouth every day
In a cold picture of you
As a lie, a lie-kiss that i wanna kiss
To feel lonely more and more
For you are just a dream.

I kiss your mouth every night
In my dreams
In my sweetest dreams
As a truth, a truth-kiss i wanna kiss
To stay alive day after day
For you are my own wish for life.

I kiss your mouth every moment
In my thoughts
In my foolish thoughts
As a foolish-kiss i wanna kiss
To make believe i will survive
This missing, this empty mouth
This hungry...

Maybe someday i will look behind
And notice that you were here all the time
In a fantasy
In my deepest despair
In a kind of love i never knew
Inside of me... all the time.

Maybe i will find
What love is, after all.
In that moment i'll way see
How stupid i've been
How weak, how silly i've been
For having no courage to tell you
That you are my sweetest dream
My best thought
My most real fantasy
My whole life.
Life that i spent
With a fear, a stupid fear
Afraid of opening my heart,
Afraid of the answers
That i could hear from you.

Maybe i will find that i wasn't living
But waiting for life all the time
Waiting for you to come from my desires
To make my existence finally come true.

Will it be late?
Yeah, maybe.
Maybe is already too late now
For me to close my eyes and dream
With this precious kiss of you
With this precious heart of you
With you...

I wanna kiss the mouth of an angel!

EmmyLibra, july 1st, 2007 - 9:15am